
Dear Parent/Guardian,

As you may already know, February is American Heart Month and Twin Valley Elementary Center will be honoring this by participating in the Kids Heart Challenge Event on Friday, February 14th. On the day of the event, each grade level will come to the gym together to participate in a variety of age-appropriate jump roping activities. Students will also have their Valentine’s Day celebrations and a healthy heart activity. We are really excited about all the fun activities happening and we are encouraging all students to show their school spirit by wearing red on February 14th. Please remember to wear sneakers and appropriate clothing for exercise.

In the next few weeks leading up to the event, your child will join millions of other children across the country in a meaningful opportunity to learn and help others. They will not only learn how their heart works but also how to take care of their own heart and lungs through physical activity and nutrition. If you would like to sign your child up to fundraise money for the American Heart Association, the donation envelope will be sent home with your child the week of January 20-24th.

All keychain characters will be handed out on HEART HERO FRIDAYS which will be held every Friday until the day of the event. Fundraising is completely optional, and the focus of the event will be on practicing our jump rope skills, promoting kindness and sharing heart-healthy information with students. I am extremely excited about this year’s Kids Heart Challenge event and the experience it offers our students at TVEC. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at hmchugh@tvsd.org. Let’s help our children be heart smart, heart healthy, and most importantly, heart heroes!

To register and start fundraising, please visit our school page - https://www2.heart.org/site/TR?pg=company&fr_id=11256&company_id=491363

Thank you for your support,

Heather McHugh

Twin Valley Elementary Center Health and Physical Education Teacher

TVEC Kids Heart Challenge Information